The natural world, her wilds, and generosity are ever an inspiration and limitless source for our work.
As such, sustainable practices are woven throughout our creative process. We hold the design vision foremost and within that make high quality choices that are mindful of the health of the earth.
We are devoted to keeping a low carbon profile by practicing the following:
-Arranging foam free, except for rare exceptions.
-Compost natural waste.
-Forage, with permission, the most beautiful wild materials from the natural environment.
-Garden organically.
-Support local, sustainable flower farms throughout Vermont. We feel lucky to be increasingly surrounded by amazing farms growing some of the most beautiful product in the country.
-Create custom props built of sustainable materials.
-Source handcrafted or sustainably made supplies whenever possible.
We believe elegant and chic creations are an intrinsic and natural result of a healthy planet!